The Faculty of Civil Engineering, as the founding faculty of the University, determines the educational methodology of the civil engineer for the entire country. Amongst the six places where civil engineering is taught, this is the largest faculty (half of civil engineers graduate here) and the only one where the full scope of training can be found. The three branches of the BA. courses can then be continued by master courses in Structural Engineering, Infrastructure Engineering and Geodesy and Geoinformatics Engineering.
ÉMK participates in the following four projects of BME’s research university programme:
In the Intelligent Environment and e-technologies priority research areas, our Faculty aims at applying the latest developments and tools of information technology to the area of civil engineering. The essence of these developments is that the Faculty should employ state-of-the-art tools (monitoring systems, sensory networks, modelling and simulation) in the planning and implementation of larger volume engineering projects and then in the construction and operation of the completed structures.
In the Vehicle technology, transport and logistics priority research areas we concentrate on the transport element. Our research themes touch upon satellite technologies; the application of advanced geoinformatics databases; vehicle communication developments; the use of road network traffic models. In the interests of research and development, modern simulation software and data collection equipment will be purchased.
In the Sustainable energy priority research area, a development direction in the area of renewable sources of energy aims at the optimisation of the supporting structure of new generation wind generators. In the area of nuclear energy use, we perform environment examinations of the rocks in the Bátaapáti repository which is currently under construction for the low and medium active wastes from the Paks Nuclear Power Plant. Our building energetics team deals with the energy rationalization of the existing buildings as well as the lifecycle analysis of building structures.
At the Biotechnology, health and environment protection priority research areas, one of our main activities is the health care application of engineering methods, during which we perform biomechanical researches. As regards environment protection, one of our most important activities aims at devising cost-effective sewage water treatment technologies. In construction industry environment protection researches, we assess the competitiveness and sustainability of our objects with environmental life-cycle analysis.